Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tracking Adoption Searchers

September 1, 2011

Searching adoption-impacted individuals, those looking for adoption-lost loved ones, usually never suspect they are being tracked in their struggles to find their adoption-missing blood relatives.  However this is one of the factors that, in my opionion, contributes to the too-long time it takes to find an adoption-lost loved one.

It's so subtle that searching adoption-impacted persons probably don't even realize that the search part of the adoption industry is geared toward knowing who is searching and when.  This is especially true regarding Government-funded adoption search registries. 

These are the same people who endlessly publish the you must do this-and-that before beginning your search--information--who in turn are among the same people who take custody of surrendered babies and act as legal counsel either for themselves in private adoptions or those affectuated by agencies.  Specifically I'm talking about mostly lawyers.  They preside over more than half of all the activities that go on--acting as legal counsel to adoption parties, agency directors, pre-adoption investigators, etc.--regarding any given adoption.

The supposedly privately-funded International Soundex Reunion Registry (ISRR), and also the Volunteer Search Network (VSN) are among adoption reunion registries that raise suspicion about their activities.  Though they claim to help everybody the fact is they deny first/natural mothers. 

This failure speaks to prejudice, among other things, that persists in the attitudes of people who in whatever way arrange and otherwise affectuate adoptions for a living.  Obviously this includes lawyers, judges, social workers, investigators and others who gain financially from the legal procedure and social process of either directly or indirectly transacting adoptions especially those of new-borns.

INFANT LOCATING OR INFANT PROCUREMENT itself...which usually results in the actual taking of a mother's new-born child...generates billions of dollars.  UNtaxed money changes hands back-and-forth, with no oversight at all, during the time that those affectuating any given adoption who usually are the lawyers and social workers force a new mother to sign over custody of her new-born to them. 

These sinister immoral actions of adoption money-chasers, again the lawyers and social workers among others, in turn sets the stage for these same people to then track the child's first mother and maybe later on the child him or herself.  Enacting laws that either encourage if not out-right require first mothers and their adopted-out children to list their name(s) on adoption search-and-reunion registries constitutes a tracking method.

Of course this keeps the lawyers and social workers not to mention judges, plus others, constantly snooping in any given first mother's personal affairs.  The continuance of this is done by lawyers exploiting their own position as the attorney-of-record even though long after the fact of an adoption being finalized the lawyer most likely is no longer acting as anybody's hired attorney in any adoption matter.

Most of adoption commerce, if not all, is sustained on the backs of first/natural mothers.  Some of this, as I've mentioned, is done through using search-and-reunion registries to track not only first mothers but also possibly their adoption-lost children who are the adoptees.